ASR Homecare: Compassionate Care In The Comfort Of Your Home.


Care Giving

Staying Active: Fun and Gentle Exercise Ideas for Elderly Loved Ones


As seniors get on in the years, vigorous exercise becomes quite a challenge. But exercise and staying active are crucial to the maintenance of the overall physical fitness of elderly, especially in the later years. Individuals don't necessarily have to partake in rigorous exercises like running or going to the gym to maintain the physical fitness of elderly. Gentle exercises for elderly that can be done in the comfort of their homes can improve the physical fitness of elderly by a lot. Gentle exercises for elderly help improve their mobility, coordination, balance, flexibility, and strength, thereby having a positive impact on the physical fitness of elderly. 

Gentle exercises for elderly not only improve the physical fitness of elderly but also reduce the risk of developing other chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, and stroke and improve the muscle tone of the elders. Every elderly individual is different with their own specific needs. Caregivers help elderly individuals choose gentle exercise for elderly that is personalized to their specific needs. 


Walking is one of the best gentle exercises for elderly. For the physical fitness of elderly, walking not only improves their mobility and flexibility of muscles but also ameliorates their balance and coordination. Seniors who can walk independently can go on walks to the parks with their caregivers to not only benefit from the gentle exercise for elderly but also enjoy nature and refresh their minds. For the improvement of physical fitness of elderly who have mobility issues, walking forward and backward from room to room inside their homes can benefit them tremendously. Such gentle exercise for elderly is safe and helps the elderly to stay active within the comfort of their homes to better the physical fitness of elderly. To reduce the risk of falls, walking heel to toe can be very efficient. Gentle exercise for elderly like walking improves the elderly’s circulation, endurance, joints, and cardiovascular health. 

Seated gentle exercises for elderly  

Staying active is important for the physical fitness of elderly, even those who cannot perform gentle exercise for elderly standing up. Seated gentle exercises for elderly involve the senior sitting on a chair that has both their feet flat on the floor and preferably without armrests or wheels. Caregivers can assist and guide the elderly to perform certain gentle exercises for elderly while sitting down to improve the physical fitness of elderly. Some of the gentle exercises for the elderly involve

  • Gentle foot and ankle stretches

Caregivers can guide the seniors to sit upright and gently lift their legs as straight as possible while keeping the foot of the other leg flat on the floor. Then bend the leg at the knee. Repeat this with the other leg. This helps improve the physical fitness of elderly.

  • Gentle upper body twists

Caregivers can assist the seniors to sit upright in their chairs, with both feet flat on the floor, and with their arms, gently holding their opposite shoulders. Then turn their upper body towards the right shoulder and hold this pose for 5 seconds. Return to standing position and repeat this in the opposite direction. This gentle exercise for elderly can improve the flexibility of their back muscles and thus, improve the overall physical fitness of elderly. 

  • Gentle arm lifts

Caregivers can help the seniors in performing this gentle exercise for elderly. While sitting upright in the chair, with both feet flat on the floor, caregivers guide the seniors to lift their arms gently upward as straight as they can. Then lower it and repeat with the other arm. This can help improve the physical fitness of elderly’s arms and shoulders. 

  • Chair yoga 

This is one of the best gentle exercises for elderly that not only improves the physical fitness of elderly but also has a positive impact on their mental health. With the caregivers’ assistance, elderly individuals can perform this simple gentle exercise for elderly. They can also follow an online tutorial set up by the caregivers. This helps stimulate their mind as well as better the physical fitness of elderly. 

Standing gentle exercises for elderly

For those seniors who can stand for some period without assistance, standing gentle exercise for elderly can significantly improve the physical fitness of elderly by improving their balance, coordination, and lower body strength. Some standing gentle exercises for elderly include

  • Standing up unassisted

This requires the elderly individual to practice standing up without the assistance of a caregiver, table, or chair. The caregiver must always be standing close in case the senior loses their balance to prevent any falls. 

  • Gentle side steps

This gentle exercise for elderly requires the elderly individual to shuffle side to side in both directions, respectively. This helps with balance and thereby, improves the overall physical fitness of elderly. 

  • Gently bending sideways

With both feet firmly planted on the floor, caregivers can guide the seniors to gently twist their upper body from one side to the other. This gentle exercise for elderly can improve the flexibility of the muscles in their lower back. 

  • Gently lift one leg up

If the elderly individual is able then the caregivers can assist the seniors to stand on one leg and gently lift the other leg and bend it at the knee to help move the muscles of the legs. This gentle exercise for elderly is performed by facing a wall and placing both hands on it to prevent any falls due to imbalance. 

Weight lifting

Elderly individuals can improve the muscles of their arms by lifting very gentle weights like water bottles or canned foods. They can perform five biceps curls with both arms if they can. This gentle exercise for elderly improves the strength and flexibility of their muscles. 

Caregivers of ASR Home Care™ are expertly trained professionals whose sole purpose is to enhance the quality of life of your loved ones and improve the physical fitness of elderly. Elderly loved ones can perform gentle exercises for elderly in an environment that is safe, with the complete reassurance that they are in the presence of professional caregivers who can tend to their every need exceptionally.